• 5000 m² showroom & Cash and Carry
  • Exclusive and strict dealerpolicy
  • New items to discover on a weekly basis
  • 5000 m² showroom & Cash and Carry
  • New items to discover on a weekly basis
Waar kunnen we je mee helpen?

Contact, route and opening hours

Find the opening hours of our office, showroom and cash & carry below, read trough our frequently asked questions in regards to becoming a Be-Uniq dealer or fill out the contact form to send us a message: we're more than happy to help!

Please note! Access to our showroom and cash & carry is only possible with a Be-Uniq account (Be-Uniq members only). Click here to request a customer account directly.

Opening hours (office, showroom and cash & carry)


Deviating opening hours

  • There's currently no deviating opening hours planned

Showroom and Cash & Carry

Get inspired in a unique ambiance where your senses are awakened by the perfect harmony of scents, music, and exceptional creations. Then explore our cash & carry to select your favorite pieces and take them home right away. Prefer shipping? That’s no problem either. Learn more about our unique shopping experience via About Us.

Please note! Access to our showroom and cash & carry is only possible with a Be-Uniq account (Be-Uniq members only). Click here to request a customer account directly.

You can find us at:

Doejenburg 107

4021HR Maurik, The Netherlands - Route

+31 (0) 85-040 3226

Be-Uniq | Every Piece Comes With a Story
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Be-Uniq | Every Piece Comes With a Story
Be-Uniq | Every Piece Comes With a Story
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Frequently asked questions

I am a private individual and would like to purchase something from Be-Uniq: who can I contact?

You can find our dealers spread throughout the Europe: so there is always a Be-Uniq dealer near you! We are happy to tell you who that is for you: contact us via the contact form below or via our socials.

Can I become a customer/dealer of Be-Uniq?

That depends on various aspects. In order to protect you as a retailer against unnecessary competition from your neighbour or 'price fighters' at a fair, Be-Uniq has a relatively strict dealer policy. In addition, we want to present our range exclusively and correctly on the market. After all, our slogan is 'Every Piece Comes With a Story': that story must of course be told well.

That is why we always perform a manual check when you register as a new customer. You can find a detailed explanation on this page.

How long does it take for my application to be reviewed?

Processing an application can take up to 5 working days: we will of course do our best to assess and process your application as quickly as possible.

Why was my customer application rejected?

This depends on various aspects. We apply - among other - the following requirements or conditions to an application:

  • We do not supply to market/fair sellers;
  • We only supply to retailers and/or webshops with a physical point of sale (not a garage or home);
  • We do not supply to webshops (here too, a physical point of sale must be present);
  • The location: is there already a dealer within a radius of x number of kilometers*;
  • Industry relevance: we only supply to sector-related retailers & stylists

Which days is the Cash & Carry open?

Our Cash & Carry is open every working day from 9am to 5pm: just like our showroom and office! Please note: it is a requirement that you are a customer at Be-Uniq to gain access to the showroom and Cash & Carry.

Which days is the showroom open?

Our showroom is open every working day from 9am to 5pm: just like our Cash & Carry and office! Please note: it is a requirement that you are a customer at Be-Uniq to gain access to the showroom and Cash & Carry.

Which days is the administration/office open?

Our office is open every working day from 9am to 5pm: just like our showroom and Cash & Carry! Please note: it is a requirement that you are a customer at Be-Uniq to gain access to the showroom and Cash & Carry. 

What is the average delivery time of an order?

The average delivery time depends on various aspects, and can be shorter or longer depending on whether a product is in stock. We will of course do our best to process and ship your order within a few working days when an order is in stock. After shipping, it is up to the selected transporter how long their delivery will approx. take.

Can my selected items in the cash & carry also be shipped?

The items you select in our Cash & Carry can be taken with you immediately, or of course sent. We will process it for you on a pallet and offer it to our carrier. In Dutch and Belgian cases this is even free of charge: from 900 euros excluding VAT we ship free of charge within the Netherlands, and from 1100 euros excluding VAT also to Belgium.

Can I bring my customer (private individual) to the showroom?

It is not possible to visit our showroom or Cash & Carry with a private customer. In our showroom we communicate prices and other information that we - also to protect other dealers - do not want to make available to the private public.


Please feel free to contact us via below form: we'll try to get back to you ASAP!